Turmeric…. A natural super healer for inflammation in the body…


1 litre filtered water

2 dessertspoons tamarind puree

80g Fresh turmeric

6cm piece fresh ginger

1-2 dessertspoons honey (add 1 and taste first before adding the second)


Place the fresh turmeric into a small bowl of a food processor and chop well. Pop into a large saucepan. Then add the ginger to the processor, chopping and place in the saucepan with the turmeric, the tamarind puree and 1 litre of filtered water.

(If you don’t have a processor, chop ginger and turmeric finely by hand, but do make sure you wear gloves. The turmeric will stain your hands, and everything it touches!!!)

Bring to the boil, reduce heat and simmer for about 15 minutes.

Allow this to cool a little, before straining into a glass jug, removing all the chunks of ginger and turmeric.

Lastly, add the honey, 1 dessertspoon at a time, taste testing after the first spoonful to double check sweetness before adding more.

Because of the high amount of turmeric in this, store in a glass jar to prevent staining of your equipment.

I have been served this both as a cool drink and warmed, and I must say I did prefer it warmed. Very soothing… You could also experiment by adding a little cinnamon, nutmeg or cloves.  

Enjoy ☺ Shaz

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